Responsablemente; Responsable; Responsabilizar
= incumbency, onus, responsibility, span of authority, charge.
Ex: This incumbency is no less binding upon those in the arena of "professional education" than for those elsewise situated in the educational community.
Ex: With the onus on the searcher to achieve familiarity with filing orders, there are other factors that need to be considered.
Ex: A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
Ex: Prior to this appointment, he was Director of LC's Processing Department where his span of authority included a network of worldwide offices for the acquisition and cataloging of materials.
Ex: She was offered an opportunity to chair a task force within the library with the charge to investigate a new integrated system.
* absolver de responsabilidad = absolve + Nombre + from/of + responsibility.
* aceptar la responsabilidad = assume + responsibility (for).
* ampliación de las responsabilidades laborales = job enrichment.
* ampliación de responsabilidades laborales = job enlargement.
* área de título y de mención de responsabilidad = title and statement of responsibility area.
* asignar responsabilidad = lodge + responsibility.
* asumir la responsabilidad = assume + responsibility (for).
* asumir responsabilidad = take over, take + responsibility.
* atribuir responsabilidad intelectual = assign + intellectual responsibility.
* bloque funcional de responsabilidad intelectual = intellectual responsibility block.
* caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.
* cargar con la responsabilidad = shoulder + the burden, shoulder + the responsibility.
* claridad de responsabilidades = role clarity.
* compartir la responsabilidad = share + burden.
* conflicto de responsabilidades = role conflict.
* con responsabilidad = responsibly.
* cumplir con la responsabilidad de Uno = do + Posesivo + share.
* cumplir + Posesivo + responsabilidad = carry out + Posesivo + responsibility.
* cumplir una responsabilidad = accomplish + responsibility.
* delegación de responsabilidad = empowerment.
* delegar responsabilidad = delegate + responsibility, empower.
* descargar de responsabilidad = remove from + shoulders.
* descargo de responsabilidad = declaration form, form of declaration, disclaimer.
* distribuir la responsabilidad = spread + the load.
* eludir responsabilidad = pass + the buck.
* eludir una responsabilidad = shirk + responsibility.
* entrar dentro de la responsabilidad de = fall under + the jurisdiction of, fall under + the auspices of, fall under + the purview of.
* escaquearse de una responsabilidad = weasel out of + responsibility.
* exención de responsabilidad = disclaimer.
* eximir de responsabilidad = absolve + Nombre + from/of + responsibility.
* exonerar a Alguien de responsabilidad = exonerate + Nombre + from responsibility.
* hacer frente a una responsabilidad = meet + responsibility, face up to + responsibility.
* hacer recaer la responsabilidad sobre = put + the onus on.
* inculcar responsabilidad = instil + responsibility.
* la responsabilidad ahora recae en + Nombre = the ball is in + Posesivo + court.
* la responsabilidad es de... = the buck + stops....
* ley de responsabilidad por el producto = product liability law.
* librar de la responsabilidad de = relieve of + the burden of.
* librar de responsabilidad = relieve of + responsibility.
* limitación de responsabilidad = limitation of liability.
* llevar la responsabilidad de Algo = carry + the burden.
* mención de responsabilidad = statement of authorship, statement of responsibility, byline, authorship statement.
* mención de responsabilidad de la edición = imprint.
* peso de la responsabilidad, el = burden of responsibility, the.
* rechazar la responsabilidad = disclaim + responsibility.
* responsabilidad combinada = mixed responsibility.
* responsabilidad compartida = shared authorship, shared responsibility.
* responsabilidad + competer a = responsibility + fall to.
* responsabilidad + corresponder a = responsibility + fall to.
* responsabilidad de demostrar lo que se defiende, la = burden of proof, the.
* responsabilidad en la gestión = accountability.
* responsabilidades = terms of reference, stewardship.
* responsabilidades docentes = teaching responsibilities.
* responsabilidades familiares = family responsibilities.
* responsabilidad extracontractual = tort.
* responsabilidad intelectual = intellectual responsibility.
* responsabilidad laboral = accountability.
* responsabilidad legal = liability, legal liability, legal responsibility.
* responsabilidad moral = moral stewardship, moral responsibility.
* responsabilidad penal = criminal liability, criminal liability.
* responsabilidad + recaer en = responsibility + rest with.
* responsabilidad + recaer sobre + espaldas = responsibility + rest on + shoulders.
* responsabilidad secundaria = secondary responsibility.
* responsabilidad social = social responsibility.
* responsabilidad terciaria = tertiary responsibility.
* seguro de responsabilidad civil = liability insurance.
* sentido de la responsabilidad = sense of responsibility.
* ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien = be of + Posesivo + own making.
* ser la responsabilidad de = be the responsibility of.
* ser la responsabilidad de Alguien + Infinitivo = it + lie with + Nombre/Pronombre + to + Infinitivo.
* ser responsabilidad de = be incumbent on/upon.
* tener la responsabilidad = charge, undertake + burden.
* tener la responsabilidad de = have + the responsibility of.
* tomar como responsabilidad propia = take + it upon + Reflexivo.
* tomar la responsabilidad = take + responsibility.
* trasladar la responsabilidad a = shift + the burden to.